Grazix Animal Health

Swine Production

Swine Production Example:

Grazix® products can minimize losses in commercial swine units, especially when given to young animals just after birth and during transition phases. Grazix products have consistently demonstrated reduced duration of digestive disturbances, such as scour of diarrhea (scours) associated with environmental, nutritional, or social challenges. Laboratory testing and production livestock testing have shown that a small quantity of Grazix in feed water measurably improves weight gain, reduces incidence of gastrointestinal illness and cuts pre-weaning mortalities.

A study by an independent Dutch veterinary group was performed on over 46,000 newborn piglets spanning 20 farms. Grazix produced an overall drop in mortality from 21% compared to 11% with oral antibiotics. When direct dosed orally, most animals recovered from acute diarrhea within one day.


Swine Customer Testimonials:

“Piglet mortality dropped from 21% with Std. antibiotics to 11% using Grazix.” Incidence of GI disease later in life was reduced up to 75%.”  (Owner, major veterinary practice, Netherlands)

“Grazix is more effective than the current standard of care (antibiotics).”  (ex-President of the American Association of Swine Veterinarians)

“We have tried everything, but this is the first in 18 years that we have put in our standard operating procedures”  (Major Midwestern producer, US)

“Grazix performance improvements contributed to a greater than 5:1 return on investment in swine production.” (Consulting DVM)



For more information:  Contact Grazix