Grazix Animal Health

Grazix Animal Health

Grazix Animal Health

Grazix Animal Health

Simple Reliable Antibiotic-Free Livestock Production

The Science

Grazix delivers the immune benefits of a natural field diet based on the science of Reactive Plant Immunity (RPI) While modern nutrition science precisely delivers almost everything needed to maximize output in confinement farming, the...


If your goal is antibiotic-free production or just plain healthier animals, Grazix® liquid supplements can restore the powerful immune benefits of a natural field diet. Grazix® products enable modern livestock production for optimal gut health the way nature intended.  ...

Swine Production

Swine Production Example: Grazix® products can minimize losses in commercial swine units, especially when given to young animals just after birth and during transition phases. Grazix products have consistently demonstrated reduced duration of digestive disturbances,...